quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

Auf eine Begegnung mit Eduardo da Conceição

Ich lief das Paul-Linke-Ufer entlang, vollgepackt mit Tüten vom Markt, die Luft war warm, die Sonne schien- Sommer in Berlin. Bevor ich nach Hause ging, holte ich mir noch einen Kaffee an einem der Stände am Ende des Marktes und setzte mich auf den kleinen Platz, direkt am Ufer. Er war voll mit Menschen wie mir, die da saßen, Kaffee tranken, ein paar spielten Gitarre, andere jonglierten mit Bällen. Ich schaute sie mir an und dann meinen Nachbarn, der sich für nichts von alledem zu interessieren schien. Die langen Beine hatte er zu einem Schneidersitz verknotet, auf dem ein Block lag. Leicht nach Vorne gebeugt, machte er schnelle Bewegungen mit seiner Hand, in der er einen Bleistift hielt-  zwischendurch strich er eine seiner schwarzen Strähnen hinter sein Ohr, die Haare hatte er zu einem hohen Zopf am Kopf zusammen gebunden. Ich schätzte ihn auf auf Ende Zwanzig. Als ein Tennisball gegen einen seiner Füße sprang, mit dem zwei kleine Kinder spielten, schaute er hoch. Er nahm den Ball, warf ihn zurück und rief: „In Portugal können wir besser zielen“. Ich musste lachen, und sah den Kindern dabei zu wie sie verständnislos wegrannten. Ich fragte meinen Nachbarn, der auch lachte und sich wieder seinem Block zu wandte, was genau er machte. Er schaute wieder hoch, diesmal irritiert. „Ich zeichne Luftschlösser. Mich interessieren Räume in Städten und wie wir uns zuhause einrichten. Die Beweglichkeit der Schlösser versuche ich in die Urbanität zu integrieren“, er hielt mir den Block entgegen und blätterte weiter, „das sind Skizzen für ein Theaterbühnenbild und hier habe ich was entworfen für ein Sounddesign Projekt“. Er blätterte weiter die dicken Seiten durch- feine, verspielte Linie auf den einen, konkrete  auf den anderen Seiten, dazwischen Notizen und Kolorationen. „Du bist Künstler?“, fragte ich, die wenig Ahnung von Kunst hatte, der aber gefiel, was sie sah. „Ich habe Architekt gelernt, aber arbeite als Künstler“, antwortete er, „Ich bin Eduardo“. Er stand er auf, gab mir die Hand und entschuldigte sich, er müsse los, noch eine Duschstange bei einer Freundin anbringen,  bevor er zu dem Zeichenkurs geht, den er einmal in der Woche gibt und danach noch schnell sich mit der Sounddesignerin treffen, und dann müsse er noch packen, morgen fliege er nach Göteburg für ein Theaterprojekt. Während er all das sagte, packte er seinen Block und den Stift ein und fügte hinzu, „Aber wenn ich wieder da bin, und die Sonne noch scheint, sitze ich wieder hier und ich zeige dir die Entwürfe für die begehbaren Kästen, die zu Häuser werden für Kinder“. Und dann fuhr er, auf seinem schmalen großen Rennrad davon- beim nächsten Treffen erzählte Eduardo, dass er es selbst gebaut hatte, „Konzipieren und Bauen, das ist das, wofür ich lebe“. Und ich dachte mir, ja, Architekt und Künstler.

By: Lara Sielmann

A short explanation.

Eduardo da Conceição is a Portuguese architect and artist based in Berlin. His work has been developed within temporary architecture, exhibition design, installation, illustration and scenography. 
Due to his broad artistic interests, Eduardo is constantly seeking for new opportunities to further explore the different roles that art can play in different contexts

During the last years, he has been working with multidisciplinary teams, such as Raumlabor (Berlin, Germany), Demo (Guimarães, Portugal) and Exyzt (Paris, France), where he finds a collaborative work method that allows him to combine and enhance his different skills and interests while working with others.

In his artistic practice he blends elements of architecture, design and performance, creating interactive situations that challenge the relationships between people and space.

The result is a scenographic work where fiction and reality converge and people are driven to think and move beyond their daily habits. Thus, Eduardo’s creations take the shape of living platforms which invite people to take part of, explore and play.

By: Mafalda Corrêa Nunes

domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013


Artist Talk with Linea Matei & Eduardo da Conceição
Lava Lounge, Kulturhuset - Stockholm, Sweden

// 11 December - starts at 06pm

You are cordially invited to come and talk with us at lava Lounge from Kulturhuset in Stockholm.
Linea and I will talk about the work we have been developing in the last years and how we developed and keep developing an individual working process. 

terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013

Casa do Vapor & Ateliermob in Cooperation

Casa do Vapor and Ateliermob work in cooperation for Terras do Lelo Martins creating a Kitchen.

About Ateliermob:
Ateliermob is a multidisciplinary platform for the development of ideas, research and projects in the areas of architecture, design and urbanism. The company was founded in 2005 in Lisbon, as a result of several works carried out by its founding partners. Ateliermob has been working on projects of different typologies and scales, for public and private entities. In parallel, we have been developing research work to support the project-oriented practice, an architecture blog, design, urban planning and participation in several national and international competitions.
Currently, ateliermob is constituted by two partners 
– Andreia Salavessa and Tiago Mota Saraiva – and a team of skilled professionals associated, when possible, with other entities and technicians in order to enrich and broaden the spectrum of its multidisciplinary services.
Referenced in several national and international publications, ateliermob has held conferences in Lisbon, Oporto, Coimbra, Barcelona, Montpellier, Toronto, Vaduz and Cluj-Napoca, and achieved awards and honorable competition classifications which include:

quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2013


Workshop for people above 12 years old. 

// 12 & 13 October
The ideas of the Bauhaus teachers were groundbreaking and ahead of their time. Not because they dealt with futuristic, but because they have set themselves consistently and radically with the former (life) conditions apart. Even today, architects, designers and artists continue to be influenced by the objectives of the Bauhaus. Certainly also because there since the closure of the Bauhaus, to date, no school (educational institution) that provides a holistic approach to this form into the center of education and study. In the two-day workshop will be to put the former rejection and hate propaganda is a positive, affirmative and supportive attitude towards. Participants are encouraged to launch an advertising campaign "Pro-Bauhaus". In practice, the participants will deal with the construction of a model (cardboard, wood, polystyrene) for your campaign.

I will assist the Artist Reinhard Doubrawa

sábado, 5 de outubro de 2013

Searching for the White Cube - Symposium

VictoriaQuartier - Bochum, Germany

//19 October - Lecture
// "Searching for the White Cube" is taking place from 11th to 20th of october in the ViktoriaQuartier, Bochum.

The exhibition is based on questions of artistic production and its manifestation in public space as untraditional non-sites for its presentation. Meanwhile the several art works, performances as the framework program including a short symposium featured by Andrea Knobloch (Artist), Thomas Thiel (Curator, Kunstverein Bielefeld) and Eduardo da Conceicao (Architect and Set Designer) as a local round table and a screening supported by the shortfilmestival 'Unlimited' Cologne, do react on the political range of space and art in an urban discourse fosterd by 'City-Masterplan' considerations.

Know-How Trade Shop Lectures

Wood work: by Maria Hoffman

Swing: by Manfred Eccli

 Urban Farm Lab: Talk by Sumugan

Train Station: By Maria Mosquera

Casa do Vapor: by Eduardo da Conceição

Know-How Trade Shop Workshop Results

With the luck of a Sunny day we built the bench-trees that now are part of Prinzessinnengarten mobile furniture. I hope to see in the next spring flowers and tomatoes growing arround these new creations!
With: Maria Hoffman, Lisa Kirchner, Elise, Till Ihrig, Torben Spieker, Tiago Ribeiro, Sue Wanderlust 

segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013

Know-How Trade Shop

//The Know-How Trade Shop is a place where through exchange inspiration is created.
The Know-How-Trade Shop will be a place for everyone built by everyone. It is meant as a meeting place for interaction and education. It shall be a living knowledge library where through sharing creativity is boosted.

The idea is to get involved in creating the space by being part of physically building it and creatively filling it with ideas. Everyone can get involved by contributing something: may it be construction skills, photographs, food, texts or whatever inspires them or whatever they are good at. By commonly constructing it, it will become our space.

We believe that only through interaction and exchange creativity can be brought to the next level thus this open space is created in a way, that it is a meeting place, but as well a place where through games and lectures the participants get the chance to get into dialogue with one another, share knowledge and hopefully get inspired to step outside their comfort zone and try new things.

terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013

OPENiT - Berlin


// 27 & 28 September
A place for education as much as a room for social interactivity.
More news coming soon...

Team with:
Inês Oliveira Lisa Kirchner



Cova do Vapor  is a fishermen’s village within Lisbon’s Tejo estuary which stands out for its strong sense of community and unique architectural heritage based on a tradition of self-building. During the summer months of 2013, Casa do Vapor will provide a meeting point for the local inhabitants, architects, artists, surfers and other visitors from all over Europe


07 September, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal.

Researching the relations between ongoing artistic, social and political forms of life, Generative Indirections intends to explore the potentialities of performance studies in the critical space between the Social Sciences, Humanities and Art, and give voice to counter hegemonic epistemologies, blurring theory and practice. In-direction thus becomes a magnetic field, moving between theory and practice, challenging disciplinary boundaries in order to question how Performance Studies can be received  in Portugal.

The Death and the Maiden III

Michèle Tonteling (Costume Designer) and I working in the 4m curtain that will hang above the stage. 

The Death and the Maiden II

Here it is the growing stage for the play, still incomplete, but on the go!

sábado, 30 de março de 2013

The Death and the Maiden

Preview on the new Set design for the death and the Maiden for TEATER2 in Stockholm. 

Ed Ude

A minha foto
Alguns m3 de insanidade saudável http://eduardomf.wix.com/eduardodaconceicao